ABC Party Cupcake Toppers
Turn learning the ABCs into a treat-filled party!
32463 - Set
32.30 set

Turn learning the ABCs into a treat filled party! This set's six pretend cupcakes come ready to decorate with 52 letter and picture toppers that help kids work on learning the alphabet, mastering beginning sounds, building vocabulary skills and more. These toppers support open-ended play - match the toppers to their starting letters, explore the difference between upper and lowercase letters, or consult the online word list as a guide to spelling simple two- and three-letter words! Toppers double as fun cupcake decorations, and add imaginative treat games of pretend or tea parties for imaginary friends! When playtime ends, the toy cupcakes reveal their neatest trick yet: all 52 toppers store inside the 6 cupcake base, turning cleanup from a chore to a delight. Ages 3 and up.

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